Ebook Scorched Feathers : Descent to Hell book one

42,43 kr SEK

"Scorched Feathers" parallels the exploration of witchcraft and female empowerment found in “The Craft” mixed with the intricate magical systems and a world influenced by folklore found in "The Grisha Trilogy". It combines dark fantasy and gothic romance, with supernatural intrigue. With themes including war, violence, adult situations, this adult book is not suitable for readers under 18. Please check the Reader's Advisory before reading.

Once, she gave it all.

Aradia doesn't remember her life before the Guardians. Hidden away in a compound, all she knows is that they say she's the key to the apocalypse. A prophecy that states she will unite the Four Horsemen. When a demon shows up with a smile that triggers more than old memories, she decides to tempt destiny and join him for an adventure into hell itself.

In a high-stakes battle against fate itself, Aradia must navigate the treacherous path between love and damnation. Will her relentless efforts defy destiny and avert a nightmarish judgment day?

"Scorched Feathers" delves into themes of forbidden love, memory and identity, fate versus free will, moral complexity, and Aradia's harrowing struggle for survival for herself and her friends amidst temptations and sacrifices.

Epub format.

Reader's Advisory

Angels, Anxiety, Blood (emesis), Demons, Death, Forced Amnesia, Heaven, Hell, Kidnapping, Murder, Occult, Mention of physical abuse, PTSD, Satan / the devil, Sexually explicit scenes, Survivors guilt, Torture

Format Info

Epub format.